

The Running Horse Studio feline patrol, Buster and Daisy...

Contact Running Horse Studio

Lourinda Bray  has long been a respected generational member of Pasadena society and culture. She holds standing as a major collector and expert on carousel art and history dating back to 1977.

Ms. Bray holds a MA in Drama and Stagecraft from Occidental College and has mastered everything from Rose Parade float building to conducting prestigious, large scale garden tours of her estate.

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Many people have invested themselves in their carousel collections and pieces. As we grow older, there are fears that our children or others may simply sell off all that we have spent our lives accumulating and appreciating. Lourinda Bray is in the process of founding a major carousel museum and carousel exhibition center to protect and present carousel figures and all who appreciate them in a highly favorable light via education and showcase. Like many people who are passionate for the carousel animal, Lourinda does not want carousel pieces or the experience of experiencing them forgotten by children who may never ride, or adults who wax nostalgically for them. If you would like more information on preserving your carousel legacy beyond your years, please contact us for a confidential consultation. 


You will be glad you did. Thank you for visiting today.

Interns from across the world have studied under Lourinda Bray's expertise. For a decade-plus, Lourinda has corrected the final draft, proof-reader for the  "The Carousel News and Trader" as well as the "Carousel and Automatic Music News" magazines.

Click Here for Documentary on carousel people including Lourinda Bray of Running Horse Studio

Do you have or want a venue looking for a fabulous show?

Talk to Running Horse Studio about the


Carousel and merry go round shows, museum presentations and full corporate exhibitions are possible. If desired, one can even include an operating carousel. These are not inexpensive propositions, but carousel horses and menagerie have proven to be popular events, a major draw for public interest, media coverage and general attendance.

Imagine the possibilities.

Contact us to discuss the possibilities.