

Running Horse Studio Running Horse Studio carousel carousel

carousel carousel running horse studio running horse studio

Running Horse Studio Running Horse Studio carousel carousel
carousel carousel running horse studio running horse studio
Running Horse Studio Running Horse Studio carousel carousel
carousel carousel running horse studio running horse studio
Running Horse Studio Running Horse Studio carousel carousel
carousel carousel running horse studio running horse studio
Running Horse Studio Running Horse Studio carousel carousel
carousel carousel running horse studio running horse studio
Running Horse Studio Running Horse Studio carousel carousel
carousel carousel running horse studio running horse studio
Running Horse Studio Running Horse Studio carousel carousel
carousel carousel running horse studio running horse studio
Running Horse Studio Running Horse Studio carousel carousel
carousel carousel running horse studio running horse studio

merry-go-round merry-go-round merry-go-round merry-go-round

Our Running Horse Studio restoration includes the removal of all metal, such as nails, screws, braces, tin can patching, and whatever else was used in a carousel piece's decades of "ASAP!" repairs history.

Our extensive carousel archives keep us accurate with repairs. We have access to many carousel factory color palates and decorative patterns. Needed replacement of Austrian crystal jewels, horse-hair tails, and taxidermy eyes are expertly set in place.  Antique carousel figures leave looking fresh and clean, the way they would have appeared when they first emerged from the carousel factory 80 to 140 years ago.

Following stripping, and the removal of old Bondo, fiberglass, various added metals  and indiscriminate epoxy, the repair or replacement of missing pieces such as legs, ears, eyes, tails, trappings, etc. plus the crisping off edges and veining begins.

Whether individual carousel horses, merry go round memorabilia or full operating carousels

and merry-go-rounds, bring them on!  We have been actively involved with all. Running Horse Studio specializes in restoring historic hand

carved carousel steeds to factory fresh conditions.

We take a bag of wood shards and rebuild them into a beloved, fully-restored carousel animal. Running Horse Studio's attention to details, including hand glazed leafing, pin-striping, freehand patterns, family crests, bright colors, textured  saddles, authentic colors and markings means

     No Ordinary Restoration!

Contact Running Horse Studio


Running Horse Studio is No Ordinary Restoration!

When clues are available, archives will be searched    :  Mascot's Story

A Beginner's view of restoration

Running Horse Studio specializes
in "Back to Factory" Restoration

carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel

carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel

carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel