

Fulfill fact, fantasy, or fancy with that Carousel Horse or Carousel Menagerie figure created to your heart's desire!

Every carousel figure, old or new, tells, and has a story. What will your story be? Old tickets, and other memorabilia are found in antique pieces. New figures contain time capsules too: messages, pet collars, small, treasured items, papers, even the ashes or clothing of loved ones. Steeds can be decorated to remember passed family members and adorned with symbols that trigger sweet memories for future generations to know and to remember them, or perhaps to be reminded of you, and bring a smile. You can create that figure to make your heart soar, finished by Running Horse Studios, a proud piece of art to behold, and to share.

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carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel carousel merry go round national carousel association albany oregon carousel  national carousel association carousel restoration restoration restoration restoration lourinda bray lourinda bray lourinda bray lourinda bray lourinda bray lourinday bray national carousel national carousel national carousel association association national carousel association carousel collector carousel collector antique carousel antique carousel antique carousel buy a carousel buy carousel buy carousel albany carousel albany oregon carousel albany oregon carousel harriette frog harriette frog new carousel carving carousel carving new carousel piece carve carve carve carve carousel horse horse horse tiger tiger cat cat dog dog carousel carousel merry-go-round merry-go-round merry-go-round merry-go-round

You hanker for that unobtainable antique carousel piece. Or perhaps  one that reflects your hobbies and interests, someone beloved or a precious pet you miss and wish to memorialize...

Have you met  new-carving carousel figure, Harriette, below who  rides the Albany, Oregon carousel? With her whimsical smile, eyes of curiosity, bow-decked straw hat, jaunty yellow rose, flour-sack bloomers, jamming jar,  fireflies and more, speak fondly of a beloved grandmother having the same name, now riding the carousel for all to love her too.

Contact Running Horse Studios


The Golden Age of Carousels ended nearly a century ago. Rare authentic figures remain unobtainable or unaffordable to those who adore them. However, your yearned for and fanciful carousel creature can be your own through the network of Running Horse Studio.

Think about it...a Running Horse Studio carousel horse or carousel menagerie figure designed to your heart's desire, and painted to your specifications. Unique, or traditional carousel figures are obtainable through the work of experienced, talented carousel carvers. Many are superior to the classic, carousel carvers of the renowned Golden Age. Running Horse Studio knows master woodcarvers able to custom-create any carousel horse or creature of your dreams. You can recreate an antique figure or entirely new designs conjured with every detail, trapping and color, designed by you with the aid of the Running Horse Studio experts.